Not your average head of lettuce…
This week’s healthy habit’s discussion centers squarely on the amazing supergreens! It’s well known that our green veggies are super good for us, but those aren’t the supergreens we’re talking about. No, we’re looking more at some items commonly referred to as “rabbit food” or “cow food.” Alfalfa, Spirulina, Barley Grass, and other supergreen foods are a mega powerhouse of what your body needs!
Show Notes:
02:00 – Do you eat your super greens? No, it’s not just eating lettuce and broccoli. That’s good, but many of our green produce has been domesticated leaving the nutrients out, for the most part. So how can we get those super greens we need? What is a super green? Jodi talks about how we can get some of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, mineral compounds, and more into our diets. When using greens like alfalfa, and barley grass, they’re health protectors and this is part of ancient knowledge that humans have known since ancient times.
05:50 – Adding cereal grains to a person’s diet helps to create a more alkaline state in the body. This is good because studies have found that it’s almost impossible for disease to exist in a body with a balanced PH. In fact, having too much acidity can cause other problems like pulling calcium from bones to alkalize itself. Then, thinking that there’s a calcium deficiency, many people then take the wrong calcium supplements and end up with other problems as well like constipation. Find out more directly by calling Jodi for a consultation! 605.347.2225
07:40 – Jodi tells a story about when she saw alfalfa change a man’s life!
9:20 – Here’s an introduction to cereal grasses; specifically, it’s a great time to talk about alfalfa. This naturally grown miracle plant has anti-cancer properties because of the high chlorophyll content, it can help slow the aging process, and has even been shown to help reverse macular degeneration with the high lutein content! Jodi talks about how alfalfa came to be named; a name that means “Father of All Foods.” For all the bang in this supplement, it’s relatively inexpensive as a daily habit. Jodi also dives into how chlorophyll can help eliminate retained water and even neutralize cancer cells. Good thing alfalfa has got a lot of it!
12:55 – The spotlight falls onto spirulina next. This delightful nutrition powerhouse is one of the oldest living plant species used in food health. Jodi outlines many of the amazing health benefits to be had from spirulina, including the fact that it contains 60% protein. That’s more than any other food! To put that into perspective, Jodi says that 10g of spirulina = ½ pnd carrots! So many vitamins, the essential fatty acids, protein and more is all in the supergreen arsenal found in spirulina.
14:18 – We learned that alfalfa and spirulina were both among the first to be put into a capsule and taken as vitamins. Jodi goes on to talk about a brief history of vitamins. How after scientists began to synthesize vitamins in the 30’s, natural supplements were all but gone until the 70s. She also give everyone the 411 on how to tell whether or not your vitamin E is synthetic or not, and why “done in a lab” synthetic vitamins just don’t work as well as the stuff that nature has made. If you’d like to find out what vitamins and nutrients you need, get a hair analysis from Back To Nature!
17:00 – Barley Grass is the next super green to the stage as Jodi explains the magnitude of goodness to be found. Known as “the grass juice factor,” barley is an excellent choice to add to a daily diet. Fun tid-bit: there’s a water soluble growth molecule found in barley that’s different than all other nutrients. In fact, when it comes to creating super greens, scientists can’t figure out how to synthesize all of the amazing qualities. (Much like with bee pollen…)
Well, they might not be able to synthesize it all, but scientists and doctors have sure done studies that have shown INCREDIBLE health benefits and healing properties for people. Jodi discusses several specifically, so be ready to have your hair knocked back by the astounding findings!
22:28 – Another great benefit of eating super greens, is the way that they have been known to help get rid of toxic heavy metals from the human body! A hair analysis from Back To Nature can tell you what toxic heavy metals are found in your body, if any. But, eating super greens can help you eliminate them! Another great idea to help flush the body of toxins and clean the kidneys, is asparagus. Apparently, only 3 asparagus capsules is the equivalent to ½ pnd of asparagus! This is awesome news because according to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the root to all health. You’ll have to listen to get the entire skinny on it, though.
23:40 – Lastly, if you are like many people out there, hearing about such great options can be a real motivator to try some of them out! Just be warned, not all “healthy super greens” are using the real stuff and that is not a good thing. Jodi helps explain the difference between organic super green supplements and the synthesized stuff with fillers that the body finds hard to process.
Stay tuned until the end of the podcast to hear a short intro into next week’s topic: Water!
Now, listen – NONE of this information is meant to replace the advice of a doctor. This is just a friendly source of information to hopefully aid someone in finding good health. Why? Because having knowledge and insight from multiple sources can help people make well informed decisions in their lives. So if this content helped you, please share it so others can get the help they need too! Oh, and definitely leave a comment below!
Jodi Harris is a Certified Naturopath Practitioner and Reiki Master. She’s made a living helping people make their bodies healthier and their lives better for more than 40 years. Now you can find Jodi in Sturgis at Back To Nature where she’s been in operation since 1996. It’s the Black Hills source for supplements, natural foods, and so much more!
Listen to last week’s podcast: For the Bees!
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