Jam Packed with Energy
Not just talk on the industry either! There’s a load of information to cover and process in today’s episode. Many changes potentially on the horizon in the energy industry, agriculture, and taxes and tariffs. But before we get to all that, there’s always something to smile about. So, start it off with those kudos, and then we’ll get into the nitty gritty!
In Today’s Show…
00:33 – To begin, a thank you goes out to everyone who is supporting the podcast so far! It’s only just beginning, but it’s so great to have such support! Plus, now everyone can now find the Weekend Word of Mouth on iHeart Radio so we’re even easier to access!
01:50 – Congratulations and Kudos! It’s now the custom to start with a smile, and today is keeping the habit rolling! We talk about several people and businesses who deserve some recognition for great things happening; there’s people planting trees and picking up trash, students meeting their goals, a local business getting a new location, and more!
BHE Plants Trees for Earth Day
US Forest Service to Plant More Thank 150,000 Trees
6 Organizations Awarded Mini Grants from Live Well Black Hills
77 Seniors Showcase their Projects
Uncle Louie’s Diner Expands
07:49 – It’s time to talk about the newsworthy news in the Black Hills next. This week we discuss some changes that Black Hills Energy is trying to make to their tariffs. Specifically, these changes are going to affect the customers trying to save money and the environment by using alternative energy sources on their own property. Definitely something to keep an eye on!
BHE Looks to Amend Tariff on Renewable Energy
See the proposal and the all the documents on the docket!
09:28 – We talk about a little small town controversy. In Faith, SD there’s recently been quite a fuss raised over a rodeo club fundraiser. Why? Well, because the title of the event caught the attention of some out of staters, and they were really upset. Listen to the scoop in today’s episode. Then, if you’re feeling generous, be sure to call the Faith High School and donate to the rodeo program in support of the youth!
Faith High School Rodeo Club Controversy
11:10 – To get a feel for what’s happening in both South Dakota and Wyoming, we look toward the Governors of each state. Starting with SD Gov. Kristi Noem. There’s only a couple of items to make note of from Gov. Noem this week, and the first of which is her vaccination passport ban. But, in other news, Gov. Noem also added South Dakota to the fight against the Biden Administration’s carbon plan. Wyoming was already involved, but now South Dakota makes ten states pushing back.
Noem Issues Order Banning Vaccine Passports
Noem Joins Multi-State Lawsuit
Carbon Social Cost by Biden Administration
BONUS: Check out these interviews with Governors Mark Gordon (WY) and Doug Burgum (ND)
14:27 – WY Gov. Mark Gordon was in the news this week for some interesting news of his own. There were a couple of new bills recently made into law… without his signature. Check out HB 127 and Senate File 130! Then, there was Gov. Gordon’s response to the Bureau of Land Management making the decision to NOT have a second quarter oil and gas sale. Check out his full remarks HERE. The third reason to talk about Gov. Gordon this week is a new program that was just put together to help those Wyomingites struggling to pay bills because of Covid. He’s been busy!
Gordon Allows Public Health Order Bill to Become Law Without His Signature
Gov. Gordon Responds to BLM Decision to Not Hold 2nd Qtr Oil Sale
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon Signs Legislation Launching Emergency Rental Assistance Program
18:20 – Now it’s to the really good stuff! We get to talk with Representative Chip Neiman about some great new legislation that has now become law. In just a few months since getting elected to his position, Rep. Neiman is already getting things done! He talks about the people who helped make it happen and the overall goal. We take a look at Agriculture and some of what’s going on to look out for our agriculture producers. Rep. Neiman talks about what he feels is the real issue for our farmer’s and ranchers, and we talk about looking toward a better future. This conversation is thirty minutes long, but heavy with information and a look into the character of a wonderful Wyoming representative.
Follow Representative Chip Neiman on Facebook!
Check out HB 229
NCLA Praises Wy Legislature
In other news, check these stories out:
Genneca Houser is an independent podcaster, audio producer, and music artist through Dirty DAHG Productions, and she’s an independent content contributor for The Crude Life. The Weekend Word of Mouth Podcast is the baby brainchild born out of her experience working for The Country Twins Radio Station and the desire to bring fresh content that has a focus on the beautiful Black Hills.
For questions or inquiries, email dirtydahgbooking@gmail.com