The Supreme Court, one Governors presentation, and many reasons to smile…

Like every other week in the Black Hills, there’s a lot going on! This week there are many people to congratulate and a juicy breakup in Sturgis. There was a presentation to the Energy Committee, a new lawsuit against the Biden Administration, and the South Dakota State Supreme Court heard the arguments for and against Amendment A. Oh, yeah! Another busy week on the books!


So, to start things off, it’s only right to say thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to listen, like, share, or talk about the content in these podcasts with friends. This has been fun so far, and it has hopefully been enjoyable and even a little informative for anyone who chooses to join the conversation!

1:33 – Ok, to get into the real pleasantries from this week we talk about some real good stuff. The Black Hills Pioneer won many awards, three 5th graders in Belle Fourche honored an Arbor Day tradition, and the housing market is getting a cool edition. There’s talk about a new video game set in the Rapid City area, a rescued couple on Warren Peak, and a couple different individuals who have been awarded positions of prestige. Oh, yeah! It’s been a great week!!

Pioneer Staff Wins 25 Awards
Arbor Day Essay Contest Winners
Jody Perewitz – This Year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Grand Marshal
This Year’s State FFA Officer
OneHeart Already Seeing Success Stories
Firefly Builders Starts Manufacturing Tiny Homes
Get Ready to Serve Food Bullets in Rapid City Based Game
Pregnant Woman Rescued From Warren Peak

09:19 – After the feel goods, there’s some discussion on some newsworthy news! This week we begin by taking a look at the City of Sturgis and their recent break with SMRI. It seems that there’s been a lot of money exchanging hands that will not be any longer – and this relationship is not looking like an on-again-off-again situation. Apparently the split is final!

Sturgis Breaks Ties With SMRI

10:30 – Last week we talked quite a bit about what the governors of both Wyoming and South Dakota have been up to. It’s only right that there’s an update to follow. There was mention before about Governor Mark Gordon (WY) going before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to talk about the moratorium on federal land use. There is a clip of the presentation so that everyone can get an idea of how he was representing Wyoming, and if it peaks any interest just click HERE to watch the whole 5 minute video. 

Governor Advocates for Wyoming Energy Sector Before Senate Committee

14:25 – Governor Noem was in the news this last week as well, but it was because of her tweets instead of an important presentation. However, there may be some who argue that her willingness to stir trouble for people in DC is a positive thing. This time though, the fight is over the 4th of July Fireworks.

Noem Sues Biden over Rushmore Fireworks

15:48 – Probably the biggest piece of news for South Dakota this week was the Supreme Court hearing about whether or not to legalize pot. Contrary to what some may believe, this isn’t a fight with pot heads versus the government, and this isn’t a fight over whether pot is safe to use. No, this last week the State Supreme Court heard arguments both for and against Amendment A. If you didn’t get to listen in on the marijuana issue, no fear there’s a feature from both sides of the issue in the podcast for your listening pleasure!

17:27 – Speaking in favor of Amendment A – Attorney Brendan V. Johnson – Robins Kaplan LLP

25:42 – Speaking against Amendment A – Lisa M. Prostrollo – RedStone Law Firm LLP

Watch the full Supreme Court Arguments on Amendment A from KELOLAND News!

*If you keep listening after the statements made by Lisa Prostrollo, I have some thoughts  to share in reaction to the hearing. Plus, an interesting reference to last week’s discussion on cannabis terminology!

33:40 – It always sounds good to end on some positive notes, and even better if there’s music! This week, we’re taking a listen to a Black Hills artist known as Twan. He makes music for fun, and he really knows how to bring a good time! There’s no limit to the musical genre that Twan may jump into and no matter what style, he always brings it on home. Be sure to check out more of Twan‘s music by clicking HERE.

Dirty DAHG

Listen to last week’s episode – Let’s Talk Energy, Agriculture, and Other Key Happenings!

Genneca Houser is an independent podcaster, audio producer,  and music artist through Dirty DAHG Productions, and she’s an independent content contributor for The Crude Life. The Weekend Word of Mouth Podcast is the baby brainchild born out of her experience working for The Country Twins Radio Station and the desire to bring fresh content that has a focus on the beautiful Black Hills.

For questions or inquiries, email

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