Giving Christmas 2024
When: Saturday, December 21st, 2024
Where: Venue 519, Belle Fourche, SD
Dirty DAHG Productions would like to dedicate this year’s Christmas benefit event to go towards a very worthy Black Hills nonprofit – Recovery through Restoration. This organization is a motorcycle family for veterans aimed at offering a community to be support and family so that the members may build themselves and each other by building bikes, riding, and healing together.
“Together We Ride. Together We Build. Together We Heal.”
Giving Christmas to Recovery through Restoration * 1pm - 4pm *
Pictures by Pasque and Prayrie Co. – Tere Froelich will be taking family and friends
Christmas photos for anyone who would like to participate. Get up to three
Christmas themed photos by donation with all proceeds benefiting Recovery through Restoration.
Music by Dirty DAHG Productions – Half Dead and Guardian Angel will be DJ’ing
festive music and hosting games for the kids intermittently throughout the mixer.
Snacks and Beverages – Coffee, Hot Cocoa, Apple Cider, and cookies will be available
for the public to snack on and enjoy.
Santa Meet and Greet – Kids will have the opportunity to talk to Santa and ask him for
their Christmas desires! After the chat, there will be candy canes for each little
boy and girl.
Rapping for Recovery through Restoration * 8pm - 11pm * 18+ w/ ID
Keynote Speaker – Ryan Brown will be briefly speaking to talk about starting Recovery through Restoration and how the nonprofit aims to make a difference.
Hosted by Half Dead & Guardian Angel – Half Dead & Guardian Angel will be MC’ing
the evening and hosting games throughout the night as well as a raffle during the
Live Music Performances TBA soon!
Cash Bar by The Outlaw – Adult beverages will be available with cash and ID
Christmas Selfie Space – There will be public space provided in a corner for anyone to
take Christmas themed party selfies with their friends! A donation for this is
requested but not mandatory, however all donations will go to benefit Recovery
through Restoration.
Raffles and Games – Throughout the evening there will be various games hosted and a
raffle with proceeds all going to benefit Recovery through Restoration. Raffle
items are all donated items or services by locally owned businesses.

Thank you so much for the donation of time and services to Pasque & Prayrie Co and the Outlaw Bar in Belle Fourche! We Love our community partners!

We have promotional packages for 3 local businesses who want to sponsor this worthy event!
Be an event sponsor!
Dirty DAHG Productions is looking for only two event sponsors who would like the opportunity to sow good will and make a difference this Christmas season.
Event Sponsorship would include:
*Business logo on :30 video commercial
*Business logo on official event flyer to be shared digitally and physically
*Business logo placement on website homepage
*Business logo and name on “thank you” sign at refreshments station all night
*Social media tagging on all event promo via FB (3+ posts per week)
*No less than 6 live mentions in thanks during the two part event
Cost: $400
This package is designed to include and highlight the two event sponsors in a high visibility fashion. We want everyone to know who helped to make this event possible and we love having the opportunity to highlight the great businesses in this area.
Genneca Houser, Owner/Manager
Dirty DAHG Productions