To Business Owners in the Black Hills:

My name is Genneca Houser, and I hope I’m not being too intrusive on your time; but I wanted to reach out and send you an offer. 

My husband and I own Dirty DAHG Productions, and this business is the product of our motivation to connect people with music and fun events. But more than that, we wanted to build a real community. 

Beginning in April, we’ll be starting to host at least one event each month that will be free to the public. It’s in an effort to bring people out for a stress free night of community and good times. The events will not be the same from month to month – for example, in April we’re hosting a freestyle competition and in May we’ll be hosting a Black Hills local artist showcase event of any and all genres. 

For my personal goal with these events, I wanted to be able to incorporate exposure for other Black Hills businesses in our advertising each month. It’s important to me that our company help to build up the community by sharing a focus on our wonderful entrepreneurs and locally owned businesses in the Black Hills. 

Here’s what we’re offering:

For $300, Dirty DAHG Productions is offering a full month of cross-promotion across all of our social media networks, on our website, radio mentions, and more. These are our Community Partnership packages. There are only 6 of these packages offered each month in order to give proper focus to each of the local businesses involved, and you can choose which months you would like to have your business featured. All promotion would coincide with the comprehensive marketing plan we have set up for the free monthly events, and your name would be given great credit for helping to build our music community of talented artists and avid music lovers.

It’s important to note, that this package includes promotion across several social media networks, on this website, on local radio stations, across the WY and SD Black Hills through physical flyers to be hung up.  Plus, there is even live and in-person promotion for our Community Partners during the event. We want EVERYONE to know who is helping to support the underground and local music community! 

If this sounds like an opportunity for your Black Hills brand or business, email me today!

Remember, there are only of these packages available each month so time is of the essence! But if your business could use a boost and you are interested in being a part of bringing good times to the area, this is an offer made for you. 

Thank you!



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