You’re not the only one…

It’s not easy to dredge through the noise played on mainstream media sources. For many people, the desire to go out to events is squashed  when performances fall flat. Or another reality that can quelch the need to go see artists are the millions of big-wig copycats trying to fake a persona that worked to gain fame for someone else. It makes listening to new artists disheartening… and we feel ya on that.

We’re on it

It’s a busy world and most people don’t have time to spend searching for new artists that they want to fill their speakers. So we’re bringing access directly to you – at least better access. Let’s be real and understand that there are WAY too many talented artists to find all at once. But DDP has already gotten a good start through networking on the initial events over the last year and a half. 

How does this help you?

Simple; the access helps you to help yourself! You want music with meaning and relevancy? We get you, and we’ve  got it! You wish to see artists with passion and motivation? We get you, and we’ve got it! How can you gain access to this plethora of musical treasure? 

There are Options:

Firstly, you can click “LIKE” and Follow Dirty DAHG Productions on Facebook. (Be honest, you’re on social media all the time anyway… ) You can also join the Black Hills Underground Music Movement group on Facebook to join on any discussion with other music lovers and artists!

Black Hills Underground Music Movement
Public group · 63 members

Join Group

This group is for lovers of underground rap/hip hop and rock music and artists in the Black Hills of South Dakota to come together. It’s a place to sh…

Sign up for the Dirty DAHG Breeze

Get new music, artists, and events sent directly to your email inbox! Everything shared will be about the network of businesses and artists rockin with DDP. Team picks for new artists to listen to, and access to interviews, videos, and online store discounts are just a few of the perks. Just click the link below to sign up for special delivery of the good stuff!

The other Option…

You can come on out to an event! We have got events every month going on at The Outlaw in Belle Fourche. The series is called Underground At The Outlaw and these events are putting some shining stars into the spotlight! The first event is on March 9th and features rap and hip hop. But every event is different with a variety of genres and artists. 
Plus, RIP Soldiers are booking for performances anywhere that wnats them! Every new place paves the way to meet new talents find new music to bring back to the movement. So, come on out! Support the underground… and if you’re feeling really froggy, get some Dirty DAHG Merch. It looks good on ya!

Keep Shining!
 Guardian Angel


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